Ancient people had a similar fascination with rocks as memorials. (Who isn't moved by the mystery of Stonehenge?) Pagan cultures erected monolithic stones for unknown purposes, but we do know that Middle Eastern cultures, the Hebrew people in particular, erected stones to memorialize God's acts of deliverance and self-revelation as he accomplished his work of restoring a lost world to himself.
Today, I find myself in need of erecting a Standing Stone to commemorate what God has done in my life over the past few months and to serve as a reminder during those times when I become impatient and forget.
Lately, I have begun sliding into old ways of thinking... thinking about how far I have to go towards having a slim body. Getting impatient. Restless. A little bit frustrated. Last night, I read through old email and was shocked to realize that just four short months ago I had written to a friend about not being able to wear shoes, the weeping ulcers on my legs, incontinence, and the looming probability of quitting my job and applying for disability. It was surreal reading that letter and remembering how I felt at that time... lost, alone, hopeless, afraid, and in despair.
In four months (dizzying speed), my life has turned around so much that there is no other explanation than something supernatural has occurred. Or better said, someONE supernatural has intervened.
February: KFC and fast food
Today: Fruit and Veggies
February: Exercise was nonexistent. Didn't see a way to do it, either.
Today: Exercise almost every day. Love it. See all kinds of possibilities for strengthening healthy muscles.
February: Skin on my legs was a mess. Feet were so swollen that I couldn't wear shoes.
Today: Ulcers are completely healed. Shoes back on feet that are within the range of "normal".
February: Ready to apply for disability.
Today: Finished co-leading a Bible Study, planned and implemented a major community outreach event, brimming with ministry ideas and confident to move forward with them. Blessed to be in a place where I am being used to positively impact lives for Christ.
February: Hadn't had a physical in years.
Today: Up-to-date on doctor's visits.
February: Hopeless Despair
Today: Laughter, fun, delightful hope, confident, alive, even Bold!
February: No makeup or jewelry. Little attention to grooming.
Today: Having a ball "primping" and shopping.
February: Sick of being me
Today: Love being me
February: Believed that relationship with opposite sex was improbable
Today: Expecting single guys to be interested and thinking ahead to letting them down gently when I don't return the interest
February: My house was a mess.
Today: My house is tidy and I have numerous,fun little decorating projects in the works.
February: Isolating
Today: Socializing
And I could go on...
God, I just want to say "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for loving me. You didn't have to do all this for me to return your love, but I am so grateful for the way you have showered me with blessings over the past months. I offer my life back to you for you to use as you wish. You are one amazing and wonderful God." Love, Me
And to my friends and family, I want to say, "Thank you for being used by God to turn my life around." Love, Me
i am very very proud of you momma