After seeing a man with a disability on a hand-powered bike at the river trail, I was inspired to become acquainted with the dust collector in my living room. With enormous hope, I sat down and tried to place my feet and discovered that without assistance from one of my kids, I couldn't get positioned on the pedals. Even so, I enlisted their aid, and began to enjoy the satisfaction of aerobic activity after a decade (at least) of sluggish circulatory oxygenation. My sister dubbed it "White Lightnin' ". (One night, I mentioned to my friend, a recovering alcoholic, that White Lightnin' was waiting for me at home. She asked if that was a kind of vodka!)
WL and I were just getting to know one another when my kids became unavailable on a regular basis to help me get my feet in the "stirrups". I tried a couple of times, on my own, but it was discouraging and I quickly gave up. WL was put out to pasture.
About a month ago, with newly inspired hope, I climbed back into the saddle. With determination born of desperation and fueled by hope, I attempted dozens of different ways to get my feet positioned and attached so they wouldn't flop off the pedals. Finally, after a lot of trial and error, I hit upon a solution using a guitar strap with a slip-knot to lift my feet. With my feet firmly in the stirrups, I have been unstoppable ever since. WL and I started out at a lope, moved into a canter, and sped up to an exhilarating gallop within a few weeks. For about 30-60 minutes each day, I ride with the wind blowing my hair and pulse racing as WL's hooves thunder across the prairie, with me pushing her to extremes of endurance and speed! When our ride is over, I sit there doing nothing but feeling my heart pumping blood, and enjoying a slightly light-headed sensation of extreme well-being. (Way better than vodka!)
I hope to never grow tired of WL, but even if I do, I am committed to getting exercise at least 5-6 days a week. Hold me to it! When you come to my house, stroll out to the corral, and make sure WL is free of dust and isn't being used as a clothes hanger!
ReplyDeletewhat a diamond in the rough you are and each day I see a new spot polished and shined up. Keep forging ahead for what God has for you. Your enthusiasm is contagious and inspiring...You have NO limits!!!
I love ya