Monday, October 11, 2010

Cheekbones Romance the Narcissist

Gazing in the mirror hasn't been my thing since I was a teenager. Yet, the other day, I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror, and had to stop and marvel. I sat there mesmerized by the reflection, turning my head this way and that, wondering where the extra chin(s) had gone, observing tendons in my neck, enjoying the reappearance of cheek bones after a long hiatus. I thought I looked pretty and it felt so very, very good to enjoy looking at myself.

Until I glanced away and noticed that the truck traveling in front of me had stopped to turn left! Instantly, I knew I wouldn't have time to stop. With oncoming cars in the left lane, and a steep drop-off and drainage ditch to the right, there was nothing to do but slam on the brakes and plow into the poor, hapless Ford truck. Significant body damage resulted to both vehicles. Significant!

Cheekbones, I love ya! Truly, I do. But did you have to choose that mirror to turn on your flirtatious charm?

PS Adding an addendum to say that I am perfectly fine, as was the other driver. Could have been bad, though, and I am grateful it was only twisted steel and smashed glass. Damn mirror.

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