Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dad Gum Good Lookin'!

I've been pretty slack this past week about my exercise routine. I joined an Internet dating website, and, may I just say, it's a little bit addictive... at least for an approval addict like myself. (Once an addict, always an addict. I'm finding that approval is probably for me like Crack is to a cocaine addict. One little hit, and I'm really easily swept into the stream.) As such, it has been alot more fun this past week to chat with men who approached me with "You are beautiful" and "Your smile is breathtaking", and... than it has been to be disciplined with my wonderful and life giving exercise routine.

Definitely a case of choosing poorly, as I see it. The healthy choice... disciplined exercise... that fosters physical, emotional, and spiritual well being, versus talking to a bunch of men who ALL have the exact same profile:

"Honest man seeking my best friend to cuddle on the couch with me."

I asked some male friends to give me a read on that statement, to which they replied, "Oh honey, that just means they want to take their clothes off and get laid."


This has been a very, very interesting learning laboratory (see if you don't agree):

One man wants to move from Virginia and be my caretaker... man! he can cook and fix computers, too!

Another man,age 78, wants to wheel me around in my wheelchair... that sounds dangerous!

Two different men, both with broken English, sounding middle-eastern, (yet with VERY Caucasion photos), want a mum for their little children whose mommies died. (Definitely stalkerish and red flag material)

Several twenty-somethings apparently have a thing for middle-aged women in wheelchairs...

A man who told me I was "dad gum good lookin'" and he would never have to worry about me running around on him... (such an insulting assumption... that nobody else in the entire world would hit on me!)

The man who wrote: "Oh angel baby, it would complete my life to take care of you for the rest of it!")

And on and on it goes... definitely not territory for the faint of heart.

Oh yeh, so while this has been interesting, I'm ready to put it on the shelf and get back to what I know offers wellness... taking care of myself and taking care of others.

And while it has been extremely eye-opening, this Internet dating foray, I think I'm going to pursue relationships the old-fashioned way... flirtatiously rolling over the toes of an attractive man at Home Depot.

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