Friday, June 10, 2011

Brief Update

My viewing public has requested an update. P, thanks for asking!!! (Does one person constitute "viewing public"? lol)

I'm very much in a fervent stage of growth... this whole experience of dating and talking with men in "that way" for the first time since I was 21 is taking alot of time, attention, and energy, to say the least. Combine that with starting a new job in sales and marketing (for which I am deeply unexperienced), and my daughter's graduation from high school, and finding a place in a new church, and I am too busy to focus much on wellness... just coasting on the good habits I've established over the past year.

I am learning things about myself in the midst of this dating experience... not all good things... and it is almost overwhelming. However, in the midst of these profound changes, I am managing to stay balanced, reasonably so, with carving out time to exercise, and I am still choosing (mostly) healthy food choices. I think I've stayed at a constant weight for the past two months, and I'm happy with that plateau, even while it's probably time to begin another trek up the mountain to secure more weight loss... if I stayed at this size for the rest of my life, it wouldn't be the end of the world, but I sense there is more God wants of me... even more weight loss and fitness gains. Right now, though, the more important "wellness" matters have to do with the state of my soul and health therein in the midst of male/female relationships. Wellness is about SO much more than the size of one's body. It's the overall state of health that matters. Right now, the emotional/spiritual components of wellness have bubbled up as more important.
Posted by Lynna at 5:09 PM

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