When I began rolling at the river trail a few months ago, I had no idea how life giving it would be... I just knew that from the very first time I tried it, it felt "right".
That first Sunday, walking the dog with my son, going about a mile, enjoying the spring breezes and smiles of other walkers on the trail, was like opening a chapter to the next exploration of my life.
Since that time, I've tried to hit the trail at least five times a week... it is such a source of spiritual, emotional, social and physical well being. I've talked to several hundred people, ministered directly to several dozen hurting souls, impacted countless drivers who are "inspired" as they drive by and see me, deeply connected with a handful of friends who had gotten lost in the shuffle of life whom I enountered on the trail. I've spent a good hundred hours or more contemplating the wonders of Creation, God's glory, and intimate conversation with God. I praise and sing as I roll. I finish my time on the trail, and I am usually exhausted, but feel a deep sense of well being... even joy.
And, if all of that isn't blessing enough, my body continues to grow stronger and healthier. Last week I rolled a total of 20 miles. This past Sunday, I rolled 7.5 miles, my longest distance to date. The idea of participating in a 10K is no longer a distant dream, but a very possible reality.
Loving this... pure joy.
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