Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beyond Blessed

Middle school, in my city, begins in the 5th grade. Years ago, when my now 22 year-old son began middle school, I was in the throes of a rapid escalation of my disability, and I avoided all possible contact with J's friends... never, ever went to the school... was so certain that it would be painful... that I would face rejection, or worse... ridicule. I was desperately wrong and missed out on alot of opportunities to love and to be loved.

Contrast that fearful and lonely time with this week- I am leading the rising 5th graders at my church in our "Kids' Camp" and I have seldom felt so much love flowing in both directions. Simply put: the kids love me, and I them. And it is a beautiful thing. Oh, I can't get down on the ground with them for their picnic supper, nor play games in recreation, but I CAN do the more important things... I can see them through love's eyes, I can show them honor, I can listen to them and laugh with them. I'm an awesome adult leader of kids... who knew!!!!

They clamor for the honor of pushing my wheelchair to the next activity... it's become something I offer as a reward for good behavior. hehe

I used to think that progressing disability would correlate directly with decreasing love. I was desperately wrong. Thank God. My life grows increasing rich with relationships full of love and the abundant life that Jesus promised increases continually. I am in awe and beyond blessed to be living this life.

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