Saturday, May 8, 2010

Created out of Laughter

Saturday seems like a good day for some light musings on the Trinity. Say what?!

(Let me first offer a disclaimer: The Trinity is entirely baffling to me...trying to wrap my mind around it gives me a colossal headache. Even as my mind is too limited, my spirit stretches forth to embrace the mystery and finds rest there.)

I just had an image of a Saturday in the life of a mystic, Meister Eckhart, who lived during the Middle-Ages.

"Hey Meister, come on man. You gotta get outta that rectory and live a little, dude. Some of us guys are going off to the wilderness this weekend. Gettin away from the women and kids. We can scratch our armpits, tell rowdy jokes, maybe shoot a few small mammals. Whaddayasay?"

"Oh dearest brother, your invitation touches my soul, but I must decline as my spirit is leading me to ponder more deeply the mystery of the communion experienced by the Father, Son and Spirit."

Gotta love those mystics.

Here's what Meister Eckhart had to say about Trinitarian laughter: "When the Father laughs at the Son and the Son laughs back at the Father, that laughter gives pleasure, that pleasure gives joy, that joy gives love, and that love is the Holy Spirit."

He goes on to say that we are created out of the laughter of the Trinity.

Created out of the laughter of the Trinity. Close your eyes and let that sink into your soul for a minute. What do you hear? What do you feel? When have you experienced community that was so filled with peaceful, joyful laughter that LIFE sprang from it? When have you been part of community wherein you were made so complete in and through the others that the only response was a desire to share that love beyond yourselves?

I can't stop thinking about being created out of the laughter of the Trinity.

Last night, I went to a recovery meeting in a nearby town. Looking around, I saw walking dead. People with empty eyes and emaciated bodies, almost certainly from methamphetamine addictions. I wondered if their spirits, deep within, still had recall of the beauty out of which they were created. Did they still know, in some distant flicker of memory, the delight and joy of the Trinity at their creation? Or had the enemy swamped that message through dysfunctional families, poverty, atrocities, abuse, and pain, until the truth seems more like a fairy tale written for other people in some other time and place.

How many people believe IN God, but don't yet know or believe that God created them out of the highest expression of the Trinity's love? People who don't yet know that the Trinity laughs and rejoices in delight over them? What would change if people knew that?

I want to find out.

(As I ponder this for my own life: I want to sing. Mirth bubbles up. I want to embrace life. I dare to dream. Creativity happens. Colors are brighter. I hope in the future while enjoying today. I feel like playing. Oh, and I marvel even more at the beauty of my body and want even more to take care of it. The laughter of the Trinity is the wellspring of creation and is a bubbling spring of wellness.)

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