Two weeks ago, I was cursing God. Well, not really quite that bad, but definitely challenging God to give me some answers. I could relate to Job. Where are you God? Why are you allowing me to suffer? Don't you care?
And like with Job, God isn't answering my two-year-old demands. BUT, God is as merciful to me as to him by simply showing up and letting me know that I am on His radar screen. Just knowing that God is God, and God talks to me, well... it changes everything. It transforms me from a petulant child at the end of her rope, to one who is relaxed and playful.
Since God "pulled back the veil" everyday is like getting up in anticipation of going to the park. In my case, my park is my beautiful back porch. I've set up "an office" where I alternate between productive work, challenging reading, sunbathing, and soaking up spiritual energy as I enjoy God's amazing creation: dragonflies, butterflies, hornets building a nest, carpenter bees eating my porch, my dog rolling in the clover, annuals exploding in technicolor blooms in all the planters, millions of birds in surround sound, and an endless panorama of green, verdant growth. It's Paradise, I'm tellin' ya'.
I have a heart full of hope and an attitude infused with gratitude.
Thank you God for loving me. That's the soil, the water, the fertilizer that's allowing me to grow in wellness... like a petunia on Miracle-Grow.

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