Friday, May 21, 2010

Can a Blog be an Act of Terrorism

There is part of me that thinks about abandoning this blog... Come on, girl? REALLY? A blog about wellness primarily focused on fitness and losing weight when there is a huge world full of issues that need attention. Do you have time for this? Why should anybody take time to read it? Come ON! Didn't you leave shallow bullcrap like this behind when you accepted the call to follow Christ. How about a blog on poverty or church reform, or...???

And this is how I respond:
My choice to take care of my body, to exercise to get fit and healthy even though I'll most likely be a wheelchair user for the rest of my life, and my freedom to choose to be sexy and disabled, is a RADICAL act of faith, and a radical triumph over the Lies that have kept me enslaved, and a radical witness that Christ's love for me frees me to love myself.

This isn't a diet. It's an act of terrorism against the devil. It's not a blog about weight-loss. It's a blog to inspire and to create an army of revolutionaries who are freed to live their beauty, too.

It's a blog about choosing to believe that beauty is mine and ours because God declares it so. It's the story of the love affair that God has with me that inspires me to live more fully and abundantly.

Maybe it's not as shallow as those voices would have me hear.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that you have inspired me from the first day you commented on my blog and I came to read yours. I don't read regularly but I do stop in sometimes, and I always take strength from what you are doing with your life. Thank you for that.
