Friday, October 15, 2010

Miraculous Healings Still Happen

My friend whom I hadn't seen in a few months stopped by the other day and ended up leaving my house in tears. (I have that effect on people, you know!)

At the end of our visit, just as she was standing to leave, somehow the conversation came around to my legs. She saw my legs and her eyes instantly became awash with tears.

Let me set the context for this: M is the friend who helped a year and a half ago to take the derailed train wreck of my life and get it back on track. With her amazing skills as a nurse, she did triage to assess first steps and helped break it all down into manageable little baby steps. The first step was to get treatment at the Wound Center for the deep, decubetous wounds on my lower legs. She drove me to EVERY appointment (once or twice a week) for months, she sat in and asked questions, she made sure I had the knowledge and the resources to follow aftercare instructions, she took me to lunch. In short, she was the hands and feet and heart of Jesus for me, and her love was a catalyst of empowerment within me for my ability to be stronger and healthier. She allowed me to be in control of the process but was always gently making suggestions, asking questions, providing assistance in a non-judgmental manner. It was a partnership. A lovely, life giving partnership of saving a life.

Back to the present and the tears: Not only are the wounds a very distant memory, but the skin on my lower legs is dramatically better. I'll spare you the details of the former skin quality, but now it is beginning to look like normalish skin. The swelling that resulted in the former skin breakdown is well under control and markedly less.

Last year, my lower legs were so swollen that I literally could not find any shoes that I could wear. They looked like small tree trunks. Today, they look normal. Last year, I struggled with wrapping them every night with ace bandages. It literally took an hour to wrap both legs and it was with great difficulty. Today, perhaps as a result of losing weight combined with stronger legs and greater flexibility, I am able to wrap both legs in about 10-15 minutes and it's a breeze. Today, I have a cute pair of ankle boots I love to wear with tights and a mid-thigh length skirt.

M took one look at my legs and with emotion said, "Lynna, this is a miracle."

I think she's correct. Healing miracles still happen, although not always the way we expect. I know in my case, I prayed, "God, please heal my legs." and hoped to look down to see instantaneous changes. Instead, God answered that prayer, I think, by sending me people who could help me heal my life (emotionally, spiritually, relationally, as well as physically), and gave me the desire to begin doing MY part to take care of me and to affect the healing process by eating well, laughing more, and moving my body (some people call it exercise).

I hope to never forget and never to stop being grateful for the healing grace that is poured out on my life through the inner working of the Holy Spirit and the external workings of Christ through people who serve. (I have about a hundred posts rattling around in my head that need to be written to express gratitude to individuals who have made a difference. Hopefully, you know who you are!)

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