Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trying a New Direction

I'm sitting here waiting for something witty, deep or interesting to strike. Nada. I wonder if that's because my brain is glucose deprived? I started Medifast 4 days ago, and after three days or so, the body is supposed to convert into a fat-burning engine in a process called ketosis.

The literature states that when the body shifts from burning glucose to fat, hunger is supposed to abate. I'm no chemist (oh, wait, I sorta am a chemist), but I don't think my body is cooperating. I'm freakin' starving. And Jeffrey has a big, cheesy brocolli casserole in the oven. (Mothers have booted their kids out the door for MUCH MUCH LESS, JEFF!) I have one more Medifast "meal" to eat today. (Come on people! You call a 100 calorie packet of ground soybean protein a meal? A MEAL is a steak, baked potato, salad, rolls, and New York cheesecake. You ain't foolin' me. No sirree, not this chemist!)

Some of the food is pretty palatable, but holy cow! do I ever look forward to sinking my teeth into real food once a day. (The Lean and Green meal consists of 5-7 ounces of meat and about 2 cups of vegetables. Did you know that spinach has 10 calories per two cups? I wonder if 3 cups would be cheating?)

Can you tell that I am a wee bit edgy?

Despite my complaining, I'm excited to have taken this step. Weight loss is almost guaranteed-- I'm hoping for the lower end of their stated 2-5 pounds/week.

A side benefit of Medifast is that I happily jumped back on White Lightnin' last night and pedalled away. I'll do anything to speed up this process to lose weight so I don't have to eat Medifast "oatmeal" any longer than absolutely necessary. I eat it as penance for all the food I should not have eaten over the years. I'm not worried about regaining the weight once I lose it. The "oatmeal" threat will haunt me until I die. (As in, if you gain the weight again, Lynna, you can always lose it again eating "oatmeal". NOOOOOOO! Pass the celery!!!)

Can you tell that I'm a wee bit testy?

Come ON KETOSIS! KICK IN. Speaking of kicking, I want to drop-kick my son across the kitchen!

I think I'll go ride my Nustep for five hours instead.

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