Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Little Green Around the Gills But Loving the Journey

Life can be so unexpected. A little over a week ago, I was on a major career-path toward a lucrative and influential position in the publishing business and had an opportunity to do some significant good in the world. I was going to be co-editing a book with a "rockstar" and the horizons looked golden.

In an instant, reading an email sent to tell me that it didn't seem to be working out, the skies filled with ominous, black and ugly clouds and the smooth sailing turned, once again, into, "batten down the hatches and prepare to be tossed by fate's sea so violently that you puke" turbulence. Adrift in the storm, once again.

Maybe I'm getting better at sailing, but instead of hunkering down in my cabin with my head poised over the slop bucket, I've tossed on my yellow rain slicker, carefully fastened my life jacket, and I'm standing on deck with the rain pelting my face and the lightning crackling all around, riding the wild waves and with triumph on my face, I'm exclaiming to the wind, "I will NOT be beaten down. I am strong. I am courageous."

If the ship goes down, it's going down with me LIVING to the fullest. It's going down with me raising my arms in victory to the sky and proclaiming that I will NOT be derailed by unkindness and untruths. With my hair whipping like ropes against my face and with water cascading down my cheeks, looking somewhat wild-eyed and a little frightening, I shout into the furor and the din, "I am magnificent. I am loved. AND I WILL NOT LIE DOWN AND I WILL NOT BE QUIET!" I will ride this storm and I will look forward with breathless anticipation and surprise to the destination and direction the wind blows the vessel. The wind blows where it will blow and I am triumphantly calm in the storm knowing that God is the Captain, the anchor is strong, and adventures await. What seems like a storm may really be the wind taking me to the destination for which I've been created.

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