Thursday, January 20, 2011


This past week I have gorged to the point of being almost uncomfortably full, but have stayed 100% on plan with Medifast and have probably lost weight. Huh? Gorged but only consumed about 1000 calories/day. Yup!

There are different ways to feast, dontcha know, than on food!

In the past six days, I've attended:6 fascinating meetings (about homelessness in our community, forming reading groups with people with intellectual disabilites, and serving a free community meal once a month of soup and bread); 2 training events (including a fascinating event on how to be in ministry with poor people in ways that help and not harm); and a beautiful inter-racial gathering to celebrate MLK's life and legacy. Who needs food in the midst of such ABUNDANCE!

As if that wasn't enough, I've experienced healing of relationship with two people I dearly love. (Our conflict has been resolved or well on its way!)

Nothing, nothing, nothing feeds my soul more than:
1) People seeking ways to more effectively and beneficially bless other people, particularly vulnerable people
2)Being restored to right relationship with people

I find that these fill the "holes in my soul" in ways that take away the need to use food for that purpose. It allows food to be restored to its rightful place as a blessing and a gift from God.

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