Sunday, August 8, 2010

Abundance (and I don't mean the stuph)

I'm tired, but happy, after a day long road trip with a friend to travel part of the 500 mile yard sale along highway 127. We had a hilarious day. First, on the way there, we got lost (sorta) and ended up in a wildlife management area. I kept urging, "Just a little further and I know this comes out in the vicinity of the highway." And so we went deeper into the woods. Diana put her foot down that we were turning back when we came to a single lane, flat, wooden bridge barely above the creek's surface. It looked a little scary, even to me, and since we had no phone service, and since she kept calling it "Deliverance Territory", it seemed prudent to turn around.

Going "junking" is not an easy task in a wheelchair. We stopped in one little town to ask directions only to stumble upon the quaintest old-fashioned store, complete with 2 screen doors, an old-fashioned soda fountain, and chock-full of every manner of country collectibles and primitive antiques. I salivated from the doorway, unable to actualy enter the shop due to two steps. Two measly steps. I stood up and sheer determination almost propelled me up those stairs; but, once again, prudence whispered, "Is it really worth risking a fall and ruining the day?" I sat glumly outside and forced myself to stop feeling sorry for myself.

In due order, with better directions, we were soon upon the world's longest yard sale. Apparently, dealers and sellers from near and far come to this place to peddle their wares. The sheer volume of "stuph" was staggering. We stopped at one large field where dozens upon dozens of vendors had assembled their treasures. I was so happy that I have been working out... because of the extra strength I have gained in my arms, I was able to arm wrestle my wheelchair across the field and bartered to my heart's delight for my own little pile of stuff to carry home from the 22nd anual 127sale. For a self-proclaimed junkophile, it was pretty darn fun. (I sit here reflecting happily on the day and am especially thankful that I got to do this. When I began using a wheelchair, I thought my "junking" days were over. Not so. All it takes is determination, a willingness to work a little harder than most, and the ability to shrug and say "oh well" when I hit a truly insurmountable obstacle.) One happy experience from the day: numerous times when I was struggling a bit to move over an incline or bumpy terrain, lovely strangers offered a hand.

I topped off the day with an hour on my Nustep and noted that I have now completed four weeks of totally "on-plan" eating with the Medifast 5:1 plan. My wellness journey has hit a smooth patch of trail, and I'm striding happily forward.

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