Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wonderful Abundance

To anybody reading this, I just say, "God Bless YOU!" My kids make fun of my writing all the time. (I think they're gently ribbing ol' mom, but you never can tell for sure. "Overwritten" "Flowery Tripe" "More of your usual Blah, Blah, Blah". Yup, they MUST be kidding around just to see if they can get a rise out of me. Come on! They couldn't be serious, could they?)

Enough of that... let's get on with the overwritten tripe, shall we?

This past weekend I had a marvelous adventure at a day-long auction of surplus materials from the Oak Ridge National Labs. A gigantic warehouse was full to the brim with vintage industrial lab furnishings and equipment. Seriously geeky, wonderful, scientific equipment. Have you ever wanted a positron accelerator distillation thermo-coupled neutron microscope? It was surely there. Not only was the warehouse full of all this gloriously wonderful stuff, but intermingled amidst the items were throngs of wonderfully geeky men: scientists, businessmen, machinists. I had so much fun kidding around with them, bidding against them, and enjoying the confusion on their faces when the woman in the wheelchair beat the pants off of them in the psychological war known as bidding.

Every once in awhile I would lose out on an item I really wanted. When that happened, I would tell myself, "Self, there is abundance in the universe. Don't sweat missing out on that xyz."

It would be a good question for you to ask at this point, "What does that have to do with a freakin' blog about wellness?" Glad you asked... EVERYTHING!

I realized that there was a time in my life when auctions could be really distressing. If I wanted something and didn't win, I'd think obsessively about it. Instead of paying attention with gratitude to the items I had won, I'd dream about, yearn for, cry over the one thing that I hadn't.

Such was my approach to food. Instead of that attitude of "there is abundance in the universe", I approached food with the attitude, "I better grab and eat everything I can because I don't want to pass over something because it might not come this way again." Approaching food with the attitude that there is more than enough today, and there will be more than enough tomorrow and potentially better things tomorrow, no less, I am able to easily pass up the chocolate brownie or lasagna or...

Tomorrow is another day, and it will come with its own surprises and abundance. I may drive along the road and come upon an even better geeky piece of equipment in some body's roadside trash than the one I lost in the bidding war; or I might learn that NOT having the item and being content is the real prize; or I might learn that feeling my ribcage for the first time in years is more abundance than a bakery full of cake...

Abundance. There is more than enough. And I don't have to have it all, and especially don't have to have it all today.

(Can't wait for the next auction. Did I mention all those wonderfully abundant men? :)

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