Monday, August 23, 2010

Movie Adventures (Part 2)

From my perspective, this is where the story gets interesting.

The movie ends. Credits roll. Theatre empties. Sweating begins. Time to execute my creatively crafted "Operation Get Lynna Off the Ground". I sent Jen off to my car for my crutches, kindly thanked the lovely man who earlier had offered assistance, and began reassuring my friends that I was okay and that together, all of us doing a part as the Body of Christ, we could do this thing.

This is classic. Diane said, "I hadn't realized you had fallen when I saw you over there on the aisle. I thought you just wanted to sit there. I thought it was kinda odd." (If my bladder had been full, I definitely would have peed from the belly laugh this evoked.) She then said, "Lynna, you are supposed to go down stairs backwards!" Why in the heck did this ablebodied woman know this and I DID NOT! Diane, I need you to teach me how to better navigate disability!

Jen returned with my crutches and I took a deep breath and rolled over onto my knees, knowing that was the first step in the process. I instructed somebody behind me to lift my right ankle and uncross my leg off of my left leg, as I could not do that myself. I tried to pull up using the handrail, when Jen suggested crawling up a step so I would be at the top when I got in the chair instead of down one step. Yup! Great thinking! So here we are: Jen is steadying my chair so it doesn't roll backwards, others are following my directions to help position my feet, knees, crutches etc., others have been instructed their job is to pray (really), and still another assisted by keeping the well-meaning and concerned staff from impeding progress. "She's okay and we've got this under control. Relax." Truly, we did this together. And we did it with style, grace and laughter, and, surprisingly, with ease. Once I was seated, the manager asked if I would give her my name, address etc. and a synopsis. Upon hearing, she looked puzzled and asked quizzically, "You mean, you slid out of your chair because you were trying to go down stairs?" Well, duh, doesn't everybody in a wheelchair do that!"

As we left the theatre, some of my favorite memories of the evening occurred in the parking lot.

Michelle: They were probably worried you might sue them.
Me: Hey, Jen, next time we go out let's start with you dumping me out at the restaurant and I'll get us all free meals. And then we can repeat that at the movie, and...

Jeanetta: I was surprised to see so many people using the handicapped seating area.
Me: (between gulping laughter): Yeh, well everybody else in the theatre was surprised to see the handicapped woman sitting on the ground!
Me: I wonder if everybody thought I was inebriated and felt sorry for the drunk crippled woman?

It was fun and silly. Once we got to my car, I announced, "I have something to say here. (choked up a little) I need you to know that disability can be really hard and it can suck at times. But there are moments when the difficulty can be transformed into joy. And you guys have done that for me tonight. Thanks friends."

And we got in our cars and headed home. Until our next adventure... (if they are brave enough to give it another go, that is!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Lynna. I think we should title our adventure, "Eat, Pray, Fill Out an Incident Report".
