Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fashion: Who Knew How Motivating It Could Be

I rarely read on weight-loss blogs of anybody enjoying their body TODAY... it seems to be about looking forward to that far off goal weight, and THEN being able to buy cute clothes, look good, etc.

Today, I cleaned out my closets and decided to get rid of any clothes that are baggy. It was hard. There were alot of clothes that I wore last fall in which I felt beautiful. I really didn't want to see them go. And yet, anything with a "2" in it is now too big (20, 22, 2x)and needs to find a new home with somebody, hopefully, who will find the same delight in their beauty that I found while dressing nicely.

Last September, for the first time in ten years, I began to become aware of fashion. (Prior to that time, I really just "got by" with what I could find on the rack in the Plus-Size departments, usually black pants and a nice top, but nothing that would really draw attention to myself.) I began to SHOP. And, oh how I began to SHOP! I discovered a treasure trove of clothing as well as purses, jewelry, scarves, etc. at Goodwill and other thrift stores. I can delight myself for an entire afternoon at the local Goodwill putting together a new and creative "one of a kind" outfit... I go in with a spirit of adventure and a "what new treasures will appear today" attitude. I have found fabulous clothing, and on the last weekend of the month, everything is 50% off! When I need a little boost or need to focus on something other than food, for a few dollars I can have a little fashion fix. It's quite intoxicating.

In years past, while dieting, I would ONLY buy cute clothing that was in my goal size. While losing weight, I never indulged in nice clothing since I didn't want to invest money in clothing that would, hopefully, be too big in a few short weeks.

I can't describe enough what a BOOST this new way of dressing and being fashionable with my current size is providing to my self-esteem, and how it fuels the desire to keep getting healthier and more fit. When I feel attractive, sexy, even beautiful TODAY, I am much less prone to eat crap or to be a slug in front of the television. Beautiful women take care of themselves. Women who know they are beautiful, who feel beatiful, much more effortlessly choose a banana over icecream, and that response becomes the groove, making lifelong maintenance a more real probability.

My advice to anybody on a weight-loss journey: Go shopping and buy yourself some fabulous clothes and accessories in which you feel beautiful. Indulge! (And that doesn't have to break the bank!) Give yourself frequent opportunities to shop for fun fashions at thrift stores. Enjoy accessories. Enjoy your beauty every day. I promise, you won't regret it!

And when you find yourself becoming too small to wear those wonderful clothes, enjoy passing them along to another person who's following similar paths on their journey towards wellness.

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