Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Birth Pains: 9 months on Medifast

Upon deciding that Medifast is too expensive for a woman on a limited income, I sent J to the store to purchase Slimfast bars, which are about 50% less expensive than Medifast. Unfortunately, upon comparing the nutritional content listed on the labels, the products may have similar calories, but the composition is vastly different.

Slimfast bars: Main ingredient sugar; only 1 gram of protein; 1 gram of fiber; 10% of most vitamins/ mineral; tiny bars of 23 grams

Medifast bars: Main ingredient soy protein; 11 g protein; 4 grams of fiber; 20% of vit/minerals; decent sized bar of 32 grams

So, a Slimfast bar is mainly a teeny, tiny candy bar. While I suspect that I would continue losing weight on Slimfast, if I followed the plan religiously, I see it as a vastly inferior option, and not one that supports good health... too much sugar!

What's a girl to do? My Medifast supplies are dwindling; not a lot left in the cupboard but the shakes that I dislike (French vanilla, Suisse Mocha, Cappuccino). I probably have enough product to go another month, but it would be pretty miserable; and honestly, even with the "good" Medifast products on-hand, I was growing discontent with the rigidity of the plan... after almost 9 months, it may be time for a change.

Heading to the Internet to read up on Weight Watchers and other whole food/nutritious programs. I'm excited about adding fruit, yogurt, beans, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, nuts back into my diet. My plan is to carefully craft nutritious daily plans of 1200 calories, and to increase my exercise by 50% to compensate for the carbohydrates I'll be adding to my diet.

1200 calories of nutrient-dense food, 1 1/2 hours of aerobic activity, 1/2 hour of strength training
... this has to be a recipe for success. We shall see...Stay tuned... the adventure continues.

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