Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A BIG Goal!!!!!

I was having a little chat with God today while I was rolling at the river trail, complaining that I don't have enough adventure, risk-taking opportunities or lofty enough goals in my life. I realized that was probably a pretty bold conversation to be having with God... kinda like blasting the door off the hinges for all possibilities!

Do I REALLY want God to take me up on that?

The idea flashed through my mind to start training for a wheelchair race! Get out!!! I just started rolling for exercise two short weeks ago, and this dream of training for something substantial, takes my breath. It feels... right.

I googled "wheelchair 10K" and learned that there is a race in Atlanta on July 4. Cool Beans!

Except for one little matter... the qualifying time is 45 minutes. 6 miles in 45 minutes! I'm not even half that fast, and have only covered 3 1/2 miles at one time. And yet, I've just started. Who knows what's possible!!!

And so, tomorrow, I begin training for a 10K. (Did I really write that!) I'm not unrealistic enough to see myself qualifying for the Peachtree race *this* July, but it seems a doable goal with alot of hard work for 2012.

I've always mourned that I couldn't train to run a race. ALL of my former pastors have been marathon runners... and I always watched them with envy. What I am just beginning to realize is that there are many ways to run a race, with wheels providing the means for me to run mine.

Yes, God! I accept the challenge. But only with you as my Trainer whispering in my ear, "Doin' Good!"


  1. God will be a most excellent Trainer and motivator. But we, your friends and loyal fans, will be your cheerleaders.


  2. As I will be yours! (And thank you!)

    TTFN??? You youngsters and your newfangled way of talking!
