Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rolling Empowerment

I can think of little in my life that has ever given me the feeling of empowerment to live abundantly and creatively that exceeds how I feel when I am down at the river rolling on the trail.

Another drop-dead gorgeous morning... cool, sunny, blue skies, emerald green water. Friendly, neighborly cyclists, walkers, joggers... shared smiles and nods and dog petting. Funky looking waterfowl with warty red heads and gnarly yellow feet... so ugly I had to laugh.

While I am rolling, rhythmically pushing my wheel forward while slightly bending forward and back at the waist in order to achieve more forward momentum, I feel like I have control of my life. The captain of my ship. The master of my destiny.

Whereas I know that is largely illusory, we NEVER have full power over destiny, we can affect it, and we can maximize the potential for living fully. I am clearly on a path... an extraordinarily good path... of giving life my best effort, embracing it with gusto, and courageously taking risks (getting hurt some, too, but surviving!) I can only imagine that path will continue to offer growth and enlightenment.

Part of the call for my journey is to continue maximizing the full potential of my body... to see how far I can go, how strong I can get, in balance with the other calls on my life. (That is to say, I could work-out 12 hours a day, instead of 2, but that wouldn't be balanced and other necessary work would suffer. It's all about listening to each day and offering back to it what it asks in that moment for wholeness and abundance.)

As my body grows stronger and healthier, so goes my soul. It is a lovely path, this journey I'm on.

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